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  1. I love this… congratulations on living your passion ! This blog is bookmarked and featured on my home screen so I can follow closely and am sure that multi national and life needs some lightening… I will live your dream vicariously through this blog !!!!! Amazing !

  2. genevieve

    auguri e bon voyage! hope to keep seeing your adventures unfold! you remind me of my favorite anime right now One Piece =) about a crew that is always on an exciting adventure across the seas! gambate !

  3. Deepak K Neelakantan

    Dear Sergio,

    Its truly inspiring to see someone that you are close to follow their heart. Congratulations and all the very best. Keep us posted on your Journeys and especially your recipes (smile!!)

  4. willieme marie helene

    bon voyage Sergio , sail out of the box , be out of the box
    Quelles que soient les dimensions:
    culturelles: autres civilisations, autres traditions, autres politiques, autres économies, autres perspectives, autres prismes, autres regards …
    relationnelles: la decouverte de nouvelles personnes et de nouveaux amis partageant la même passion que vous.
    géographiques: cap vers d’autres continents, d’autres mers, d’autres cieux..
    techniques: barrer un bateau , ce n’est pas conduire une voiture (smiley) tu as de la chance , il n’y a pas de clignotant ( souvenir!!)
    et …. culinaires : reviens avec des recettes que nous testerons !!!!!!
    et faites des videos !!! bisoux xxx

  5. Charles de Testa

    Hi Sergio !

    Your journey brings back a lot of memories to me, refering to my own trans-Atlantic crossing some years ago, I am sure you will both enjoy every moment…

    Let me share one a this personal souvenir. I had a very special “signature experience” cruising from Canarian Islands to Capo Verde with a stop in Mindelo marina in Sao Vicente, walking on the caldera on Santo Antao and sand-surfing in Boa Vista’s desert, listening Cesaria Evora’s songs all the way… I then sailed to Salvador de Bahia, transitioning to samba, music wise…

    I also acknowledge the fact that you might be willing to reach the Caribeans quickly.
    There are so many stops and opportunities available there, from Venezuela shores to Cuba!

    ps: available as a crew, whenever and wherever you want or need, one month a year ;o)

  6. Flavia Aleixo

    My dear friend Sergio, I’m so proud of you and this wonderful dream coming true!
    I wish you and Gemma the best of luck in each step of the trip, and please keep us posted of every detail of this adventure!
    Congratulations!!! Buon viaggio!
    Javier is sending you his shining light as well, wishing you to HAVE FUN!
    Love and hugs,
    Flávia Aleixo

  7. Michele

    Waouw… there it is.. becoming concrete !
    Congratulations to both of you, this is such a wonderful project.
    And it is so nice to share it this way… we’ll for sure follow the adventure with passion 🙂
    Thank you. Take care, and all the best for this very promising year, hugs from Brussels, m

  8. dave hann

    Sergio/Zoe….You are doing what most people only dream of….I look forward to your next update – and wish you all the best on the adventure. I am also a little bit glad that have decided to do this with other boats…dave hann

  9. Rich DeSerio

    From the very first day that we met you’ve talked about sailing – building a boat, buying a boat, sailing a boat. I’ve listed to your tales of the sea – sometimes with jealousy and other times with amazement. I’ve been fortunate enough to man the sails while you were at the helm. And I know you and Gemma are ready for the adventure of a lifetime. Diane and I wish you well. Live your dream – but wear your life vest! See you in the Caribbean!
    “Twenty years from now, you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than those you did. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from safe harbor. Catch the wind in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” — Mark Twain, Great American Writer

  10. Harriet Leitner

    You’re finally doing it…after all of those years of talking about the great sail across the ocean. We’re thrilled that you’re going to be part of a group and not doing this on your own although we’ll still worry about you two. We’re looking forward to tracking your progress and meeting you in St Martin next February. We know how much you and Gemma enjoy food…just like Barry and me…and we know all of the best places to eat and drink!
    See you in August in Rome and then again in St Martin in February.

  11. Alison

    I’ve already told you how excited I am for you to follow a dream like this! Thanks for posting information about your work in progress. That’s part of the fun of following!

  12. Carlo Grassi Alessi

    Il passaggio del mare di Alboran può esser molto bello se meteo (e messaggini) vi permetteranno di osservare di fuori soprattutto la sera …
    Ad auspicio ecco un pezzo di una poesia di Dino Campana :

    “Io vidi dal ponte della nave
    I colli di Spagna
    Svanire, nel verde
    Dentro il crepuscolo d’oro la bruna terra celando
    Come una melodia:
    D’ignota scena fanciulla sola
    Come una melodia
    Blu, su la riva dei colli ancora tremare una viola…
    Illanguidiva la sera celeste sul mare:
    Pure i dorati silenzii ad ora ad ora dell’ale
    Varcaron lentamente in un azzurreggiare:…
    Lontani tinti dei varii colori
    Dai pi˘ lontani silenzi!
    Ne la celeste sera varcaron gli uccelli d’oro: la nave
    Già cieca varcando battendo la tenebra
    Coi nostri naufraghi cuori
    Battendo la tenebra l’ale celeste sul mare….”
    Carlo Grassi A

  13. brigitte morel

    Hi there …. 5 days to go and on the road for the big trip ! Emilia , Yves and I wish you all the best in this new adventure ! Enjoy! Enjoy ! Enjoy
    Emilia and I we had also the opportunity to meet with dolfins in Tenerife and we went to the top of the the vulcano . kisses from all of us …. Farewell !!
    PS : could you give Yves access to your site , he also would like to follow your adventure if you don t mind . . Thanks

  14. laura e marco rossi

    Carissimi Sergio e Gemma prima di tutto un grande abbraccio!!!
    Abbiamo seguito (con Google traduttore) le vostre imprese: complimenti per la bravura e la determinazione nell’affrontare situazioni pericolose e strane (cfr. “la rana”). Siete davvero coraggiosi! Avete perseguito il vostro obiettivo con passione e sui vostri volti si vede la grande gioia della realizzazione.

    Che bello passare il Natale alle Barbados. Fa un pò impressione e invidia vedervi in pantaloncini corti e maglietta; da noi ha nevicato lunedì ed ora c’è un bel freddo pungente.
    Qualunque sia il paesaggio o il clima, l’augurio è quello di trascorrere il Natale serenamente con le persone a cui si vuole bene.
    Con infinito affetto… BUON NATALE!!!!!

    A proposito di “Odyssey”, un augurio di buona navigazione anche a Zoe che parla il greco antico:
    “… πλέων ἐπὶ οἴνοπα πόντον ἐπ’ἀλλοθρόους ἀνθρώπους”
    (Omero – Odissea Libro Primo v.183)
    “… navigando sul mare scuro come vino verso genti straniere”

    Baci, baci, baci!!!!
    Laura e Marco (Alba)

  15. dave hann

    Sergio and saling team…here’s wishing you continued smooth sailing through 2017! Many people think of doing a life adventure like you are doing – but few actually do it. I admire very much what you are doing.

  16. Leslie Salmond

    Ahoy Sergio! Dave passed along the link to your sailing journal and I’ve just completed reading about your adventures. They sound magnificent! How exciting for you and Gemma.
    Congratulations on your retirement from IBM! I too recently retired (sept 2016) and am enjoying this new chapter in my life…although certainly not as exciting as what you’re experiencing!
    I look forward to continuing to follow your adventures in the sea.
    Warm regards, and happy safe sailing
    Leslie Salmond

  17. The best

    A Cienfuegos fatevi la bella passeggiata dal mare al paese, ci sono ville spettacolari ! Non mancate assolutamente Trinidad e la Casa della Trova ed una ricca bevuta di Canchanchara. Se lo trovate riportarmi il pezzo di cuore che ci ho lasciato ☺

  18. Thierry

    Thank you so much Sergio and Gemma for paradisiac Hollidays with you two on Zoés board.

    I have tried my first poem in English:


    As a loving woman, as a daring mother,
    You invite us happy in hearty welcoming,
    In your elegant deck and your deeply charming
    And protecting cabins, that give us nice shelter

    From rain or dark weather to sunny afternoon,
    You are our haven, our safe protector,
    Our caring mother in your warm interior,
    From sunset to darkness, under sun or the moon

    You reflect your owners, kind and benevolent,
    Generous and happy, always willing to please
    To help and entertain, to let us at best ease

    But among all your skills, you possess a talent
    Marvelous, precious which we name Friendship
    That Sergio and Jema gave to you, wonder ship

  19. aniello sabia

    Sono veramente affascinato dalla vostra esperienza che ho sempre sognato di fare anche io, sono nato, ho vissuto nel mio comune ASCEA provincia di Salerno sulla costa cilentana 19 km prima di Palinuro, sono cresciuto vedendo il mare da casa dei miei genitori che affaccia dalla collina con una vista sul mare nostrum, ho imparato a nuotare da solo nella nostra piscina naturale che chiamiano la socgliera, questo mio Desiderio spero di poterlo realizzare dopo la pensione che non e molto lontana se il Signore mi da l’opportunita’ di superare con salute, voi siete la terza copia che ho conosciuto avendo effettuato questa esperienza náutica, se non potro’ realizzare via mare ho anche nella mente girare per i continenti con un camper, comunque sono ansioso vi aspetto per il 14 grazie a voi potro’ addentrarmi per alcuni giorni di esperienza náutica, buon proseguimento ciao Aniello Sabia.

  20. Caio, mi chiamo Massimo e sono di Ravenna. ho saputo del Vostro viaggio da un amico. Con la mia famiglia( moglie e due bambini) stiamo per acquistare un franchini 41 e vederVi in giro per il mondo ci invoglia a pesare e a sognare.
    aspettando dei nuovi racconti un saluto da tutti noi

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